The GPal Subscription System

With the GPal subscription system, you can accept regular subscription payments from your customers using our gCheckout or gClick API payment methods (documentation provided separately). Simply use the standard payment API fields and a few special subscription fields to provide GPal with the necessary information to begin the subscription and schedule the payments.

In addition to the regular payment API fields, send the following fields with your request:

Required Fields

Below are the fields that are REQUIRED by the API to initiate the subscription.


Data Type: String
Maximum Length: 50 Characters
Description: A unique string generated by the merchant to identify a particular subscription. Passing this subscription ID will allow you to retrieve information about the subscription after it's created.


Data Type: Integer
Maximum Length: 4 Digits
Description: Numerical component of the payment frequency. For example, a subscription premium to be paid every 30 days would get a value of 30 for this field.


Data Type: String
Maximum Length: 1 Character
Accepted Input: D, W, M, Y
Description: The payment frequency unit component to indicate day, week, month or year. For example, a subscription premium to be paid every 3 months would get a value of M for this field.

Optional Fields

The following fields are OPTIONAL. They can be used to provide additional information about the subscription to the API.


Data Type: Integer
Maximum Length: 4 Digits
Description: The numerical component of the lifetime of the subscription. For example, for a subscription that would be active for 2 years and then expire, pass a value of 2 for this field.


Data Type: Integer
Maximum Length: 1 Character
Accepted Input: D, W, M, Y
Description: The subscription lifetime unit component to indicate day, week, month or year. For example, for a subscription that would be active for 90 days and then expire, pass a value of D for this field.


Data Type: Binary
Maximum Length: 1 Digit
Accepted Input:1 or 0
Description: To automatically renew the subscription after its lifetime has expired (as defined by 'sub_length' and 'sub_length_unit'), pass a value of 1 for this field. Default is no automatic renewal.

NOTE: If the optional fields are not passed, the subscription will be ongoing and will never expire. The subscriber will continue to get charged the subscription premium until they cancel the subscription. A subscriber can deactivate their subscription to you at any time in their GPal "My Account" view.