Digital River, a world leader in on demand e-commerce, specializes in helping businesses attract more customers and make more online.
Often for less — and with less risk — than maintaining an in-house program. And backed by a multimillion-dollar, triple-redundant datacenter with 99.97+% uptime.
We provide everything you need to grow your online business. New tools and technologies that simplify the increasingly complicated world of e-commerce. Best practices and strategies proven in more than 40,000 online stores. Global reach with advanced fraud protection.
Delivering online stores that sell At Digital River, we have a saying – “complexity is our friend.” With more than a decade of experience in providing e-commerce services to tens of thousands of companies, we have become experts in handling the complexities – that is all the behind-the-scene details – involved in running global online businesses. Each day, we focus our efforts on helping our clients aggressively pursue online shoppers, market their products and win sales. At the same time, we take the risk out of opening and managing online stores that cater to customers, cultures and tax laws worldwide. Our ability to deliver an end-to-end global e-commerce solution continues to earn us recognition as a market leader.
With DR globalTech as your partner, you can turn those online searchers into profitable customers. Cement these customer relationships. And attract even more new customers. Even better, globalTech does all the heavy lifting.
Increased revenue is only the beginning!
A more economical and more simplified e-commerce program. End-to-end capabilities all from one tested and proven environment. Enough scale to handle even the fastest growth. Global brand visibility and marketing. Freedom from expensive, high-risk purchases such as software, IT and logistics. Plus...
An online store that stays fresh and ahead of the competition. E-commerce experts with years of tactical and strategic experience. More time for your staff to focus on your core initiatives. An impressive customer experience on- and offline. Global and localized testing, optimization and reporting tools.