Today, with an explosion in the quantum of online traffic and trade, your payment gateway has to work that much harder to keep up. Most payment gateways can't really cope. Currency conversion issues, high costs of managing security technologies, inferior software applications are just some of the problems that cause roadblocks. Which is why ordinary payment gateways can't provide your online enterprise with the right support. And it is the quality of this support, which will determine if your online business runs like a dream venture or a total nightmare. Since 2001, CCAvenue™ has empowered over a thousand entrepreneurs and small businesses to outperform larger, well-financed competitors. Currently CCAvenue only takes Visa and Mastercard in India, and Visa in Phillipines. They do accept all other major credit cards world wide but since January 2007 they can no longer offer Visa and Mastercard to the rest of the world.
CCAvenue™ offers an unbeatable package with a complete bouquet of credit card processing options, global quality service and state-of-the-art verification and security technologies, all at very competitive rates. With all the major payment options, all the tools, all in one place, all for one price and all tied together in a straightforward, integrated step-by-step process that works efficiently. Nothing else is even remotely close. By using CCAvenue's payment gateway services, you get a globally scalable platform to enter the digital economy in style.
Note: Due to Visa Card and MasterCard Association rules, Visa and MasterCard payment options will not be available to merchants whose businesses are not registered in Singapore. The Visa payment option will be available for merchants based in India but not the MasterCard option. Recently they added paypal options to compensate for this business model so overcome the previous restrictions.